Moscow, st. Efremova 10, Building 1 - 4/8
mn-fr from 10:00 to 19:00

Family law

Family law is a set of rules and regulations that govern the relationship between spouses, parents and children, as well as other persons designated by law as relatives. In family matters, legal and personal relationships are closely intertwined, and certain types of disputes can even have a negative impact on the mental and moral state of the parties.

The most common category of family law cases is conflict resolution (although there are some others, such as marriage contracts). With the participation of professional lawyers, it is often possible to settle the case peacefully, smooth the differences between the parties to the dispute or achieve justice in resolving a certain issue.

The services of the family lawyer DSL-Service include:

  • advice on marriage and family relations of property or personal non-property nature;
  • preparation and support of execution of marriage contracts;
  • conducting divorce proceedings, cases on division of property of spouses;
  • recognition of marriage invalid;
  • determination of the order of communication with children, place of residence of children upon dissolution of marriage;
  • establishment and contestation of paternity;
  • alimony;
  • restoration and abolition of restrictions in parental rights;
  • legal assistance in the adoption of children;
  • registration of custody and guardianship of children;
  • legal advice on family law when living one of the parents abroad;
  • dispute resolution and pre-trial settlement of disputes in the field of family law;
  • representation in state bodies and institutions;
  • assistance in registration of wills, inheritance;
  • other services, based on the individual requests of customers.

To learn about the pricing policy of the company «DSL-Service»

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