Audit services
We work for our clients in order to verify compliance with the reporting rules and create business reporting systems, increasing its efficiency and transparency.
We constantly improve the level of our services and offer our clients balanced solutions. DSL-Service experts check all aspects of clients ‘ activities and help to overcome barriers in the regulatory environment, thereby increasing the value of the business, the security of owners and managers of companies and investor confidence.
The audit practice of DSL-Service helps our clients to prepare financial statements that meet modern national requirements and standards, to make sustainable corporate governance procedures, to achieve business economic goals.
DSL-Service attracts professional partner companies to provide audit services, internationally recognized.
Ordering services in DSL-Service, you get:
- a team of specialists with extensive experience in solving problems related to reporting;
- constant support and assistance on all issues of interest;
- the possibility of a comprehensive study of business processes in the enterprise without distracting employees from their work.
To learn about the pricing policy of the company «DSL-Service»
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Financial statements audit
Audit procedures not only ensure compliance with applicable reporting standards, but also identify areas for improvement in internal management and draw useful conclusions that will help overcome many current and future challenges that add value to the organization. We analy...
Statutory audit
Statutory audit — this is an annual audit of the accounting and financial statements of the company in order to Express an opinion on its reliability in accordance with the legislation of a certain country. Audit is regulated by the state and can be carried out only by audit...
Proactive audit
Proactive audit is an audit conducted on the initiative of the company, the head of the organization or an individual entrepreneur, and not because of the mandatory requirements of the law. Initiative audit is an audit of a variety of activities of the company, conducted in...
Tax audit
Compliance with tax legislation in the preparation of reports – the responsibility of each accountant. And although the responsibility for the correct filling of documents lies with the chief accountant, possible sanctions for violations will be imposed on the company itself...
Due diligence
Each entrepreneur should always exercise due diligence before making decisions, especially if it involves contracting or acquiring an existing business. To assess the counterparty or the acquired business, the due diligence procedure is used – "ensuring due diligence", means...