Moscow, st. Efremova 10, Building 1 - 4/8
mn-fr from 10:00 to 19:00

Charitable support

We want to change the world for the better

DSL-Service follows a policy of high social responsibility not only to its employees and their families, but also to society as a whole. The company takes an active part in charitable initiatives.

The cash fund for such purposes is determined by the company annually and is supported from the proceeds of the company and its partners.

The priority areas of charity are:

  • support for children and youth sports
    program for the conservation of cultural heritage;
  • education programmes;
  • support of medical institutions.

DSL-Service provides significant assistance to young athletes, young men from the teams of mini-football and ice hockey, funding their performances at competitions of different levels.

For its customers and friends DSL-Service conducts musical evenings.

We are happy to benefit society. And we are open to cooperation.


"DSL-Service supports scientific activities in the field of document history research in Russia. So, with the support of DSL, a popular science book was published, which was called "The history of the document in Russia in persons and destinies". This unique publication tells the reader about the history of the document in Russia, starting with the "Russian Truth" and up to the beginning of the XXI century. The book will tell about the first passports in the Russian Empire, about form lists, marriage contracts, metric books, diplomas of the first domestic universities. Not spared attention will be modern documents - employment record, will, contract, certificate, certificates. The publication is provided with illustrations of original archival documents from personal collections and regional archives. The reader will see the documents of famous historical figures: N. M. Karamzin, I. N. Ulyanov, S. Yu. Witte, A. F. Kerensky, Grand Duke A. A. Romanov

The history of the document in Russia in persons and destinies

We are happy to present our partners special edition to our friends and regular customers.

"Gospel motifs and Russian history in the drawings of the great Russian artists of the XIX-XX centuries"


Dear friends, DSL-Service supports the organizations listed below, we also encourage our customers and partners to do it.

1. Charitable Foundation of "Children`s hospital" at the Speransky Children`s city clinical hospital No. 9
GKU Prokhladnensky orphanage MT&SZ KBR
3. GBUZ "Republican children`s clinical hospital" Health Ministry of the KBR
4. Veterans Council of the Moscow Central administration;
5. Северо-Осетинский региональный общественный благотворительный фонд по строительству храма Новомучеников Российских г. Беслан;
6. Футбольная команда «Пересвет-Трехгорка» г. Домодедово;
7. Группа «РОЖДЕСТВО»;
8. Мужской камерный хор «Логос».

Также мы поддерживаем благотворительную деятельность нашего партнера Конькова Андрея Анатольевича (Адвокатский кабинет Конькова Андрея Анатольевича).
Андрей Анатольевич является известным московским меценатом и коллекционером живописи, организатором художественных выставок, способствует возвращению в Россию уникальных документов:

1. Государственный мемориальный и природный музей-заповедник И.С. Тургенева «Спасское-Лутовиново»;
2. Орловский объединенный государственный литературный музей им. И.С. Тургенева.;
3. Государственный центральный Музей кино.;
4. Главный храм вооружённых сил Российской Федерации;
5. Храм Симеона Столпника на Поварской (г. Москва).